Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Enough, already

I love the Green Bay Packers.

I love Brett Favre.

But I am so freaking sick of it. Why, why, why is this news?

If you side with Ted Thompson (or Aaron Rodgers' mom) you think that Brett wavered every year, and they just needed to move on--couldn't keep playing the will he or won't he game.

If you side with Brett, you say hey man, he's played for 17 years and his body is beat up at the end of the season. Of course he's going to take a little time to think things over.

Seems to me this is all the fault of the media cycle we live in. The NFL wants to be top of mind all the time (wonder what kind of ratings the NFL Network gets in late May...) The season culminates with the Superbowl, but then the draft and free agency are right around the corner. Then it's on to OTAs, contract negotiations, retirements, etc., and before you know it training camp and the preseason is here.

I love football. But I think I'd love it more if I were able to push away from the table and take a break from it. (I realize that this choice exists. However, it's like ice cream: if it's in the house, I'm eating it.)

There's something to be said for seasons and seasonality. Why must we Floridinate (San Diegoize? Arizone?) our sports lives so that they're the same damn thing all the time?

Reporters have to ask the questions. And athletes have to answer, because they're entertainers. But are any of us folks really being entertained? Does anyone look forward to another story about Brett Favre's situation? Seems if we didn't have such media saturation this never would have become an issue.

Here's to the Olympics.